Finally this morning get to buy a glass container - RM9.90. I am not sure how many liter is that. Then I bought 1 packet of brown sugar from those traditional chinese farmasi, 1 nos pineapple, and 2nos lemon. I only use 1psc of the brown sugar as my friend said that is enough.
Homemade Pineapple + Lemon Enzyme 自制酵素
I have been thinking for making this enzyme for long time. Yesterday just meet an old friend in MSN, she was taking about this enzyme. She is making quite a lot for her father with high cholesterol. This really attract me. As I have been searching for a reference person to ask a lot of questions. Right after talk to her, I straight away went to the nearer supermarket find for the right container, fruits and brown sugar. But failed! Seem glass container is hard to find.
Finally this morning get to buy a glass container - RM9.90. I am not sure how many liter is that. Then I bought 1 packet of brown sugar from those traditional chinese farmasi, 1 nos pineapple, and 2nos lemon. I only use 1psc of the brown sugar as my friend said that is enough.
Here is my Pineapple + Lemon Enzyme ..
Have to wait for another 2-3 weeks only can drink. Waiting for 14th December~~
Finally this morning get to buy a glass container - RM9.90. I am not sure how many liter is that. Then I bought 1 packet of brown sugar from those traditional chinese farmasi, 1 nos pineapple, and 2nos lemon. I only use 1psc of the brown sugar as my friend said that is enough.
博文评论 (Atom)
hi, 我是美牙。。。记得我吗?quite some times back, you invited me to come and look at your blog, that time I didnt create an account so I was unable to leave my message. Now that I have done so, I will 'see' you more often :)
回复删除美牙, thank you;)